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A member registered Dec 14, 2016

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Oh, I didn't know.馃槓 Thanks

He's just waiting for valve to okay his game on steam. I can imagine it takes a while has steam probably gets tons of games greenlit each day so just be patient.

(1 edit)

Thank you for coming right out and telling me that there will be an version of the game instead of telling me to check on twitter, which I have done. However, I despise your use of the term "little kid" as I am a 13 year old whom is not rich and consiquently, can not buy my own computer with its own software, and therefore, has to resort to using a school provided laptop with pre-installed software that prevents install downloads and I am required to have an instant browser download, which provides and steam, does not.

Thank you for your consideration.



SteelRaven, I absolutely adore this game and I would be really upset if the new version was only on steam, as my school computer won't allow me to get steam on my computer and my home computer barely opens pages online. Look, it would be awesome if it were free as well, however please don't have in-app purchases or what not. I hate them. So, either make Ravenfield completely free (no in-app purchases at all) or make it about 3-5 U.S. dollars. I would also like it if this game, would still be on, for the same reason I said before, I can't have steam on my computer. Thanks for reading as well as for your consideration.

Ok, the game is fun, no doubt about that. But i heard your going to be making a steam version of it. will you continue to work on the version? and what benefits will the steam version have? I really want to know as I can't have steam on my computer.